Home or Business – This Glenburn House Can Be Either – or Both!
An amazing 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house on Broadway in Glenburn is for sale, including its incredible 5-bay garage.
Who Could Drive By This House and Not Wonder What It's Like Inside?
All my life, I've had a fascination with houses. I can't explain it. But when I see a house that appeals to me, I wish I could knock on the door and ask to see the inside. Maybe it's because I wanted to be an interior designer when I was younger. There are several houses around the area that always catch my eye when I drive past, and this house is definitely one of them.

It's a unique, modern home with some eye-catching details. There's the wall filled with huge windows. And then there's the garage...all 5 bays. Built in 1960, this house at 2957 Broadway in Glenburn has been totally renovated. It's zoned for residential and/or commercial, so if you're looking for a place to run an at-home business, this could be the perfect solution.
How Many Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
When I looked through the pictures posted on Realtor.com by the Young-Fish Team - Lindsae Fish with Nexthome experience, I knew I wanted to gush about the beauty of the place. It has 3 bedrooms and 2.5+ bathrooms, plus a 5-bay garage. The great room/kitchen is elegant, the family/game room is fun, and the master bathroom is pure luxury. And it could be yours for $525,000.
Take a look through these pictures and imagine the possibilities. Could it be a daycare? Or maybe you could set up your own hair salon. Car detailing would be a snap with all those garage bays. If you need me? I'll be in the soaking tub in the master bath with candles and a book.
Home or Business - This Glenburn House Can Be Either - or Both!
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