Maine Residents, Never Keep an Old Christmas Tree on the Porch
This always feels like the longest week of the whole year.
My least favorite part of pretty much any given year, is the week between Christmas and New Years. You're still dealing with post-Christmas depression, and trying to rally up the courage to ring in the New Year. Granted, everyone wants to kiss this year goodbye, so maybe not so much right now.
Fire officials also warn against leaving it on your porch, or leaning against the house. They're so dry, if a cigarette got flicked into it, or blown into it by accident, WHOOSH!
But the only other thing I feel I might hate a little worse, is taking down the Christmas tree. When it was still a thing in the middle of the pandemic, I tried to get my wife to put the tree back up in like, April of that year, since we have a fake tree. I love the look, smell, and sight of a real tree, but I'm also lazy AF.

Cleanup of a real tree is brutal every time.
I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. Once the tree comes down, it's a needle/quill explosion throughout the entire house. Why? Because no matter how careful you are, most of us kinda stop watering it as much by the time Christmas is over, and the tree dries right out.
And that is when the tree is at it's most dangerous. Sure, the lights could spark a fire, or too near a heat source. But according to post a while back from WABI - TV5, Fire officials also warn against leaving it on your porch, or leaning against the house. They're so dry, if a cigarette got flicked into it, or blown into it by accident, WHOOSH!
There are other things you can do.
There's also goat farms locally, that love old trees. I've seen people save them for controlled bonfires later on as well. Or, just take it to the dump. Heck, some towns even come and pick them up if you just leave them by the side of the road. At any rate, just be safe. No one wants to read about your house burning down. Especially this time of year.
And in case you wondered how fast a dry Christmas tree will go up, check out this video:
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