Help Decorate Street Lamps For The Holidays In Bangor Tomorrow
I think most people view Thanksgiving/Black Friday as the official kickoff of the holiday season. I might argue that, here in Bangor, it kicks off tomorrow. Downtown Bangor Beautiful and Downtown Bangor are looking for people to come out tomorrow, Novemeber 9th, and help decorate the street lamps around Bangor.
Folks can gather up tomorrow morning at 9:30a.m. in front of the Rock & Art Shop on Central Street. Ideally, if you have an 8-foot ladder that you can bring, you will be the hero of the day. But they're not going to turn anyone away that wants to help out. So show up whether you have a ladder or not.
Originally, this was supposed to take place last weekend, but it was postponed. Likely due to the absolute crappy weather we were having this time last week and a lot of folks having no power. But, there are over 100 lamp posts that need to start looking Christmas-y, and they aren't going to wrap themselves!
The weather is looking good too. It's supposed to be close to 40 degrees, and there should be a decent amount of sunshine. And, there's tons of spots right nearby, where you can get yourself a hot beverage, or a quick snack. So, good luck out there, and thanks in advance to those that volunteer!