Those Sweet $300 Hazard Checks From The State of Maine Roll Out November 1
There is likely more money headed your way.
We've received all manner of checks from the government in the last 18 months. A couple of different payments from the federal government, unemployment support to the tune of $600 a week for a while. Extra tax credits for having kids. While not everyone has been available to do all these things at once, some help has been there for us.
Now, the state of Maine is getting in on the action as part of a state budget deal that passed back in June. Different figures were batted back and forth, but the sum of $300 was settled upon to go to folks who worked all through the pandemic. Is $300 enough to give a leg up to all those folks? Hard to say, but it's a start.
How do you know if you qualify or not?
The breakdown is pretty simple and echoes all the other salary criteria from other payments we've gotten from the federal government. If as an individual, you make less than $75,000 per year, you will get a check for $300. If you are a household with a combined income of less than $150,000, you'll get a check for $600, according to WABI.
No one is going to try and say this is a life-changing amount of money. But there are a lot of families out there who could really use a boost like that. This could mean a full tank of oil headed into winter. That's huge, no matter how much money you have.
These checks should start rolling out on November 1st, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll see yours on the 2nd. First of all, the Post Office already admitted they're going to be slowing their pace, and checks will likely go out in some kind of order, again much like the way the feds do it.
But hey... This is a nice little shot in the arm going into the holidays. For that, I am personally thankful.