Erin’s Run was scheduled in the Spring of 2020, but the run/walk never took place due to Covid. Since then, it has been on hold.

But the 5K that honors the memory of Erin Woolley will take place for the first time since 2019 this Sunday.

After passing in 2010 from cancer, the friends and family of Erin started the race in 2013.

Erin's Run serves as a fundraiser for several nonprofits.


All money raised goes to support causes such as

  • Partners for Peace, (where Erin worked ) formerly Spruce Run – Womancare Alliance.
  • The Bangor YMCA (where Erin learned to swim)
  • The University of Maine Swimming & Diving Program (where Erin was a star),
  • A scholarship in Erin's memory at Bangor High School (where Erin was a student, swimmer, and most of all friend to so many).

The event is on the Bangor Waterfront this Sunday and since it is the day before Halloween the theme will be Halloween, and you are encouraged to wear your costume.

Here is the link to registration and more information.

Beal University, where Erin went to school, is once again the title sponsor. Sheryl DeWalt, Beal President said

We are very proud to be the sponsors of Erin’s Run this year. In 2020, we lost one of our own very dear students to domestic violence. We are proud to support this fundraiser and all they continue to do to end domestic violence. Students, Graduates, faculty and staff will take part in the run to celebrate the life of the amazing woman we lost and all women who continue to find strength to become a survivor

Erin’s Run to End Domestic Violence will take place at 9 am Sunday October 30th on the Bangor Waterfront.


A special 1K run/walk for children under the age of 10 will take place prior to the 5K, beginning at 8:45am. This special kids’ event will be free for all participants and their parents if they want to join them.

Welcome back to all.

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