Check Out How They Hauled Logs Out 100 Years Ago [VIDEO]
If you were to go into the future 100 years from now, likely you would be astonished at the amount of technology that has made lives easier. Just think back to anything from 100 years ago right now. There were no computers, not even a calculator...other than an abacus. Telephones were for rich people. TV was science fiction at that point. Heck, was science fiction even invented yet?!?!
But this past weekend, out in Bradley, the Maine Forest and Logging Museum hosted Living History Days. Over the course of the weekend, there were countless exhibits and things to do. But I have to say, I saw this video hit Facebook, and the 7-year old in me got super excited.
I've always been a sucker for big trucks or mechanical vehicles, but when I saw this big old iron log hauler steaming it's way down the path, I was immediately kicking myself for not going to the event to check this beast out in person. Just look at it!!
Now, these days, they use big skidders and stuff like that for this kind of work. And they likely do a better job. But really....that much better? It seems skidders are just a modern take on this tried and true design. No joke, I could watch this thing do it's job for hours. And maybe I will. Ha! By the way, thanks to Steve Yenco and Mainly Maine Photography for the video. He caught many great images that day, and I was psyched to see this one, and be able to use it.
So next year, maybe you'll actually see me there. I love history. And big trucks. And steam engines. And Yankee ingenuity. Or in this case...Enginuity?!