Storm Closings

If The Power Goes Out, Stay Updated With These Restoration Maps
If The Power Goes Out, Stay Updated With These Restoration Maps
If The Power Goes Out, Stay Updated With These Restoration Maps
Hang in there Maine, we will get through this! It is about to be a wild day here in the State of Maine. Heavy rain and strong winds are expected to hit us throughout the day, with the evening hours in particular, being the hardest hitting...
Bob Marley’s Funny Theory About Snow Plows Is Right On The Money
Bob Marley’s Funny Theory About Snow Plows Is Right On The Money
Bob Marley’s Funny Theory About Snow Plows Is Right On The Money
As we see today, a Maine winter is never over, till it's over! As we get socked in the jaw with some snow today, plus much more to come this Saturday, Maine's King of Comedy, Bob Marley, had a pretty keen observation about what the weather can be like around here, sometimes well into April...
TikTok Videos Make Fun Of ‘Things Mainers Say During Winter’
TikTok Videos Make Fun Of ‘Things Mainers Say During Winter’
TikTok Videos Make Fun Of ‘Things Mainers Say During Winter’
What's your favorite saying during a Maine winter? Yessah bub! She was some greasy out there yesterday. Ah the things Mainers say, that make absolutely no sense to anyone who doesn't live here. We have been conditioned to endure some pretty brutal, bone crunching winters here in the 207, so as we dig out the shovels today after a hearty round of snow, it seemed to be the perfect time the cover som

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