Caribou Beats Record For Consecutive Days With Snow
The National Weather Service says Caribou has broken its own record for most consecutive days with snow on the ground.
I remember as a kid, going to my grandparents' houses, in Washburn and Woodland, and seeing snowbanks that nearly reached the power lines. So, when Aroostook County residents started sharing pictures of similar piles of snow this winter, it took me back to my childhood. I knew that it had been a while since there was so much snow up north, but didn't realize that this winter broke the community's own record.
In the winter of 2002-2003, the National Weather Service reports Caribou had 155 consecutive days with at least an inch of snow on the ground. But this winter, the community saw 163 consecutive days with snow. That means there was at least an inch of snow on the ground in Caribou from November 10th through April 21st. That's pretty close to half of the year with snow on the ground.
But, while the length of snow on the ground was record-breaking, the amount of snow hasn't reached record levels.Total snowfall, so far, in Caribou has been 164.7 inches, which is still shy of the record 197.8 inches set in 2007/2008. The recent milder, rainy weather has given them some relief from the white stuff. But they're not necessarily done yet. The forecast from Todd Simcox says northern regions could see some sleet and wet snow today.