Boot Scootin’ Boogie
How many times during this pandemic have you said to yourself, or out loud, I need to be more active. “I’m going stir-crazy cooped up in the house” Trust me, you’re not alone.
Bangor Parks and Recreation feels your pain. Or feels your needs. They’ve stepped up and announced they are reviving their Take a Break and Recreate program. Many different programs to encourage people to get involved in recreational activities.
The Bangor Parks & Recreation Department is at 647 Maine Street Bangor and will host “Public Walking” Monday to Friday between 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.. No fee is required, this is a first come, first served program limited to the first 10 people. You just sign in at the main office. Don’t forget your mask.
Pick-Up Basketball for those 18 plus is offered Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning today, between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Cost is $5 per person per session.
On Thursdays “Calling All Dancers” will be held between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Line dancing is good for body and mind and is a whole lot of fun. You’re asked to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. No sandals, flip flops, sneakers, clogs or heals. And boots not required when you do “Boot Scootin’ Boogie.” Cost is $20 for ages 19 to 91.
And those are just indoor activities. Lots going on outside too. Here’s where to get more information.