The Maine CDC says a second COVID-19-related death has been traced back to a wedding in Millinocket. Officials say the death of a man in his 70’s from Somerset County can be traced to the event. Dr. Nirav Shah says Maine is seeing a spike in cases, with 50 newly confirmed cases and 10 more people who have recovered.

Bangor Police say they’ve seen an increase in packages being stolen from people’s door steps in recent months. To avoid falling victim, police recommend scheduling the delivery for a time when you’re home, or arranging for the package to be held at the facility until you can pick it up. The number of car break-ins has also increased, so police advise taking valuables out of your vehicle and keeping it locked at all times.

September is national Suicide Prevention month, and health experts say it’s important to talk to someone you think is considering taking their own life. They say sometimes people think saying the word puts the idea in someone’s head, but the truth is, it can prompt a depressed person to talk. If you’re considering suicide, call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

Labor Day weekend is traditionally a heavy travel weekend, and the Maine Bureau of Safety expects increased traffic, despite the pandemic. Drivers are reminded to obey speed limits and be prepared for construction zones where speed limits are reduced. Most importantly, they remind motorists not to drive while impaired.

The Maine Department of Education and the Maine CDC are clarifying new guidelines for teachers that states they are essential employees who can return to the classroom, even if they’ve been exposed to COVID-19. Dr. Nirav Shah says the guidelines state that a teacher is not required to return to work, but can, provided all the proper personal protective gear is used.

In anticipation of the holiday weekend, the American Red Cross is opening up its Bangor blood donor center today. Folks can donate between 1 and 6 today at the facility at 900B Hammond Street. Donors will receive a pair of socks with the American Red Cross logo.

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