Bangor Fire of 1911 Event to Mark 112th Anniversary This Month
The anniversary of the Great Bangor Fire of 1911 is coming up later this month.
The fire was April 30th, 1911. Here’s the marker to note where the fire started

So much of Bangor’s history is referred to as Pre-1911 Fire, and Post 1911 Fire.And no wonder. The amount of devastation was incredible.
Matt Bishop the Curator and Operations Manager of the Banger Historical Society tells us:
The fire covered 50 acres. 240 homes , 100 businesses, and 6 churches were destroyed. Also the Post Office and Custom House were also lost in the fire.
No doubt it was devastating. It was the event that drastically changed how we look at Bangor today. So much of our city wasn’t touched by the fire, but also so much was, too.
To observe the anniversary of the Great Fire of 1911, Bangor Historical Society has a full in person event planned which will include a presentation of what went on 112 years ago, and where it all happened.
The live and in person event will be held at Rize Coworking and Collaboration Space. That is the building that once housed Seguino’s Restaurant, City Limits and The Whistling Pig BBQ Restaurant. Here is the building across from McLaughlin’s Seafood near the border of Bangor and Hampden
This is the entrance to the building which is at 28 Olive Street.
To attend the presentation in person at Rize’s you must reserve a seat, as there is limited seating for the event. To request seating email Curator@bangorhistoricalsociety.org
If you don’t reserve and the event fills up, this year the Historical Society will also be live streaming the program on Zoom and also on their Facebook page.
In person or on line will cover pre, during, and post fire. There will be images and virtual walking through that fateful day.
Learn Bangor’s history at the venue or online on Thursday April 27th at 5 pm.
And keep in mind Bangor Historical Society Walking Tours covering the 1911 Fire start up again in July.
These events will have you 'rich' in Bangor history.
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