Ayla Reynolds’ Mother Reveals Detailed Information About Investigation
Details of the investigation into the disappearance of toddler Ayla Reynolds have been revealed to a support website. Ayla's mother, Trista Reynolds, says she has made public her take on the findings into the disappearance and suspected death of her daughter in 2011 to try to influence law enforcement to bring charges in the case.
Ayla Reynolds was reported missing in December of 2011 by her father, Justin DiPietro. Reynolds was staying at her father’s Waterville home when he claims she disappeared from her bed overnight.
Ayla’s mother is not convinced, so she’s holding a press conference this week to talk about information she says was given to her by investigators in January of this year.
Trista Reynolds says she hopes that the detailed information will put pressure on law enforcement to charge DiPietro with her daughter's death. Investigators have said that they believe Ayla is dead, based partially on blood evidence found in DiPietro’s basement.
The press conference this week coincides with DiPietro’s appearance in court on an unrelated assault charge. Information released has already been published on a website entitled "United for Ayla." I'll warn you, it's graphic, and difficult to read. But it will help you understand why the police do not believe that Ayla survived whatever happened to her.
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