2021 Maine Moose Lottery Results
Over the weekend the names of lucky hunters selected for moose permits were announced.
The results are in. Over the weekend wildlife officials listed those who were selected for moose permits. 4,030 permits were awarded for the upcoming 2021 Maine moose hunt, 345 more than the previous year. Most of the permits, totaling 1,650, were divided among Wildlife Management Districts 1, 2, and 4. The 500 permits issued in Zone 4 were separate from the Adaptive Moose Hunt.
New this season will be IFW's Adaptive Moose Hunt. The special hunt helps biologists determine if moose density reduction can break or lessen winter tick impacts to moose in Maine. 550 cow permits were issued in a particular area of Zone 4, where the study will be conducted. All the moose harvested in the study area will be analyzed by biologists. To learn more about the Adaptive Unit Moose Hunt, check out our in-depth article.
You can view the list of all of those selected for 2021 moose permits here.
Successful applicants will be notified via email and by mail in the coming weeks. Applicants will then need to pay for their permits. Permits fees are $53 for Maine residents, and $585 for non-residents.

The 2020 Moose Lottery Drawing was to be held at Sky Lodge in Jackman. The hope is for the venue to host the next drawing, possibly in 2022.
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