Warm Line Will Help Counsel COVID-19 First Responders
The governor's administration has set up a front line warm line, which will offer mental health counseling and support for those on the front lines of the pandemic.
Dr. Nirav Shah, Executive Director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced the start of the 'warm line' during Tuesday's COVID-19 media briefing. He started out by thanking everyone who is directly dealing with the pandemic, including healthcare workers, first responders, or anyone dealing with the illness on a daily basis. The emotional toll on these people is real, whether they're dealing directly with patients, experiencing fear of catching the virus during their job, or separated from their own families to protect them from infection.
The warm line numbers are 207-221-8196 or 866-367-4440.
They will be manned from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week by psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers and others who can offer words of support. Frontline workers are urged to pick up the phone whenever they need someone to listen.