At just 29 years-old, Arizona native Justin Moorehas had some pretty good success with charting songs like 'Small Town USA' and 'If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away.' And if his past accomplishments are any indication, his new release 'Point at You,' (off his new album 'Off the Beaten Path') will take him further down the road of success.

And why did Moore name his new album as such? Here's an excerpt from his website on the subject:

Justin says that naming the album Off The Beaten Path references both his love of the outdoors and the creative license he takes with a few songs on the new CD.["Not only did I not know what I wanted the album to be like, sound like, I didn't know what I wanted it to be called even after we had all the songs. I'm like wracking my brain looking at titles and listening, looking at lyrics, and it just kind of came to me one day. I was like, 'Oh, okay, that would be really cool,' and literally, that's where I feel most comfortable and who I am is, you know, being out away from all this stuff and out in the woods or on the lake or just being at home with my kids and my wife or whatever, but metaphorically, this album, some parts of it are a little bit of a departure for me, so I thought it kind of worked."

The video for 'Point at You' is well done. Feast your eyes and ears on this:

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