Well, it's certainly a rainy day in Maine! Flash flood warnings, mostly in southern counties have the weathermen keeping an eye on conditions. I'm doing the morning shift this week which means I'm out of work at noon. So...what to do?

How do you spend your rainy days off? Going to the movies is always an option. Or shopping. Maybe cleaning house? Ugh....I don't think so! (Okay, maybe I'll pick up...and load the dishwasher...but NO vacuuming!)

I like to read on rainy days. Something about a hot cup of coffee, a good book, and the sound of rain on the roof is heaven on earth to me. Add in my sweet guy to snuggle with and it's perfection. And when we get tired of reading, there's always movies to watch at home!

Whatever your preference on a rainy day, enjoy. We desperately need the rain...and there are great rainy day activities to keep you from getting bored. Listening to Q-106.5 on the radio while you do your favorite craft? Perfect! Have a great day!

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