Northern Light Health now has a hotline available to residents 70 and over, without internet access, who wish to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination.

The people at Northern Light Health recognize that not everyone has internet access, and so they needed to come up with another way for these folks to schedule their appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine. A hotline number is now open and can be accessed at (207) 204-8551. The phone line opened at 9 a.m. for patient information, but will not be available for scheduling until 2 p.m.

They expect that the call volume will be high, so anyone with internet access is still encouraged to go to the online signup site. Northern Light Health is working with the Maine CDC in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine and aims to make the process the best and most efficient experience they can. The vaccine is currently available to residents age 70 and over.

Northern Light Health encourages patients to use the number instead of calling general information numbers connected to the hospital or healthcare provider's office. This will help avoid tying up those lines, when patients are trying to get through.

6 Things You Need to Know Before Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

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