New Factory Workers in Bangor Busy Making Toilet Paper
A new factory in Bangor is keeping its workers very busy, these days, making as much toilet paper as they can crank out.
TissuePlus owner Marc Cooper just bought the building last summer, and told the BDN that they started making toilet paper last week. But, with the current health situation and fear of quarantine, he now has two shifts of employees working from morning til after midnight. The finished product is then sold wholesale to regional distributors and suppliers. (so don't knock on their door. They're not a retailer)
It was supposed to be a slow startup to a new business, but COVID-19 has forced them to step up to full capacity immediately. TP is not their only product, as the Hildreth Street plant also makes napkins and paper towels, all made from tissue paper that's manufactured in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin.
Cooper says the business is new, so production will improve as they continue to work. But, for now, this small business is giving Maine residents exactly what they need.