Maine’s 2021 Fall Turkey Hunting Season Underway
After youth hunters got a jump start on the season over the weekend, the fall turkey hunt opens to all Monday.
The fall turkey hunt is underway in Maine. Monday, September 30, marked the start to the 48-day season. During the fall season hunters can take turkeys of either sex, or age. In some WMDs up to five turkeys can be harvested during the season. The daily bag limit is two wild turkeys per-day in most Wildlife Management Districts. A hunter may harvest only one turkey in WMDs 6, 10-13, 18, 19, 27, and 29.
Back in August, The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is spotlighted some changes for upcoming 2021-2022 hunting seasons. Now, hunted fall turkeys do not need to be transport tagged or registered. Harvested spring turkeys are still required to be tagged, and registered, in its entirety.

With a valid Maine big game or small game hunting license, turkey hunters can purchase a wild turkey permit for $20 for both residents and non-residents. This permit allows turkey hunters to take up to two bearded wild turkeys in the spring, and additional turkeys of either sex in the fall.
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