Is it within your legal right to publicly video record law enforcement officials who are doing their jobs, e.g., helping people in distress or making arrests? In 2013, one man in Gray, Maine, used his cellphone to record a Maine State Trooper doing his job, but upon seeing that he was being recorded--as you'll see in the video--the trooper quickly confronted him.

The internet is peppered with such videos. Most of them show people being arrested or on the verge of being arrested. On rare occasion will an officer confront the recorder, but for the most part the world gets to see the ugliness and stress of society via social media, something that law enforcement has to deal with on a daily basis.

I have little interest in recording such things, and I work in media. I know there are  implications for obstructing justice or hindering an investigation, so I'd rather be as far away from the situation as possible. But the question remains: Would you record an officer making an arrest if given the opportunity? Do you think it's legal to do so?

I say let the police do what they are trained to do. Watch the video and take the poll.


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