As you know, I’ve been wearing glasses for as long as I can remember. How did it all begin? It began with my very first eye exam when I was first starting school.

Now, I don’t remember who my first eye doctor was all those years ago, but when it comes to my yearly eye exam now, I go see Dr. Goldthwait at Goldthwait Vision Care, next to Mainely Eyes inside the Bangor Mall.

Since I’ve always needed glasses and contacts, I make a point of seeing Dr. Goldthwait every year, especially if I feel like my vision might have changed, or I have a question about something I’ve noticed with my eye sight. Recently I went to see Dr. Goldthwait for my annual eye exam, and I asked him – what are some of the reasons why people, young and old, should have an annual eye exam?

1. Changes in Prescription: Our eyes can go through subtle changes from year to year. Even if you have corrective lenses now, your prescription may not stay the same over your lifetime. Have the correct prescription lenses will not only help you see clearly, but can avoid painful headaches, eye strain, and more problems.

2. Help Address Eye Issues, Faster: Just as eyesight can change quickly, so too can other eye problems. Certain eye ailments such as myopia can be detected at a young age and can only be detected through a thorough eye exam. Glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment are common eye issues uncovered through a yearly exam. Addressing these problem sooner rather than later can help eye doctors determine the right course of action for treatment options.

3. Eye Exams Can Detect Other Series Health Problems: During an eye exam, Dr. Goldthwait isn’t just looking for vision issues. He can also detect other serious health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more, simply by observing changes in the look of your eye.

Townsquare Media Bangor
Townsquare Media Bangor

Moral of the story: Even if you think you have perfect vision, schedule a yearly eye exam for the sake of your overall health, and make your appointment with Dr. Goldthwait at Goldthwait Vison Care. And if you find out your prescription has changed, or you need new glasses, head on over to Mainely Eyes inside the Bangor Mall and find your perfect pair of glasses, just like I did.

Need new glasses now? Save 30 percent off a complete pair throughout September. Just tell ’em Paul Wolfe sent you.

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