EAAA Online Exercise Classes Help Keep Seniors Active, Connected
The Eastern Area Agency on Aging is hosting a series of online exercise classes to help senior citizens in isolation stay active and feel less alone.
Maine's oldest residents are really the hardest hit in this pandemic, and not only those who contract COVID-19. I'm also talking about the folks who have always been healthy and active, but who are in the 'high risk' category. Suddenly, they're not going out to eat with their friends everyday, not walking the mall, or visiting with family. Instead, they're stuck in their homes, only venturing out to get takeout or groceries. And some are not even able to do that small amount of activity, because they rely on family members or friends to transport them.
The amazing folks at the Eastern Area Agency on Aging have these residents in mind with their new Wellness Group. Senior citizens can take part in fitness classes through daily Facebook Live presentations, which focus on yoga, meditation, and fall prevention. But it's more than just the exercises. The instructors are having fun, which helps elderly viewers have something to laugh about. Plus, they can carry on conversations with others in the group, making them feel less isolated.
Many services are still available through EAAA, even though they're not able to meet people face-to-face right now. Their phone lines are still open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, with folks standing by to answer any questions about their programs and services. You can reach them at 941-2865. And they are still accepting new requests for Meals on Wheels deliveries. Find more information on the Eastern Area on Aging's Facebook page and website.