Okay, what just happened here. I click on ENews and discover that Dakota Fanning has a new 'older' beau. How much older? Well, she's 19 and he's 32. Do the math. Does it matter? Not really. My Dad was way older than my mom when they got married. It almost worked out. But my point is, when did Dakota Fanning grow up?

My word, she was only 5 when she landed a Tide commercial role. In 2001 she gets a part in 'I Am Sam,' acting alongside Sean Penn and Michelle Pfeiffer, a role in which she'd win a major award. Dakota's fame took off as she was hired to act in some pretty high-profile films: Man on Fire, War of the Worlds, Charlotte's Web, Hounddog, he Secret Life of Bees, and more recently: The Twilight Saga. And that's just a partial listing of her movie credits. TV credits is another story. She's only 19!

The Enews video story has the latest, and in Hollywood style the reporter describes everything they are wearing, even the food sack that's in his hands. It's Hollywood after all.

We wish her well:





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