I noticed this morning on the You Know You Grew Up In Brewer, Maine When... Facebook page, that there was an announcement about the grand opening of the Brewer Riverwalk. On June 8, there will be all sorts of things going on in the Center Street/Penobscot Street area. Including a ribbon cutting ceremony, live music, food, and other activities.

Personally, I've been following the progress of the project online for quite some time. My wife and I love a good walk where we can stretch our legs, but not feel like we're going to be decimated by mosquitoes and ticks. We've enjoyed the walk that was already there many times, but now it goes from Veteran's Park, all the way down past Mason's. Future plans may bring the other end all the way down to Veteran's Bridge.

But this is great news, in general. I've been waiting for this to officially open up for some time. When the weather gets a smidge better, I can take nice little jaunts on my lunch break and get out of the office for a minute. Right now, I walk down Wilson Street, and it's just not as scenic.

At any rate, this is awesome news for the city of Brewer, and just about anyone who's a fan of a nice, relaxing walk outdoors. So, I'm sure we will likely cross paths sometime this summer. And fall. And spring. Winter? Maybe. But I'll probably be holed up somewhere complaining about the cold.

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