Bangor, Maine News Update: July 29, 2019
State and local police continue to investigate a shooting at the Auburn Walmart. Jean Fournier died of his injuries after being shot on Saturday night in the parking lot. Police have taken the shooter into custody and interviewed witnesses to the incident but, so far, no charges have been filed.
A Hancock County Sheriff Scott Kane is among a group of people working to reopen the Open Door Recovery Center. DHHS officials cited regulatory deficiencies when they shut down the operation that provided outpatient substance abuse counseling and treatment, as well as a residential treatment center for pregnant women and mothers. A planning board is being formed and looking for new members who can help.
It’s been a slow lobster season so far in Maine, but fishermen are still hopeful things will turn around. The lobster harvest is usually in full swing by now, but this season has been slow to start. Still, it hasn’t affected the prices, which are still on par with last year.
Manna is in need of food and water to feed Bangor's food insecure and hydrate those who spend the summer's hottest days on the streets. Donations can be dropped off at the Brick Church, on the corner of Main and Union Streets. In addition, volunteers are needed to show up at the church at 4:00 in the afternoon to help serve meals.
Planning for the American Folk Festival is in full swing, with organizers announcing an altered set-up from previous years due to the recent construction on the Bangor waterfront. The 3-day festival that features international music, dance, and culture is planned for August 23rd to the 25th. Find more information on the American Folk Festival website.