
One More Sleep 'Til Christmas
One More Sleep 'Til Christmas
One More Sleep 'Til Christmas
The shopping is done, the wrapping is nearly done, the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and the kids are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. It's the one night of the year that children want to go to bed early, as we tell our children "Santa won't come if you're not asleep"  As I  grew up, The Muppets were as much a part of Christmas, as Rudolph & Frosty are, so enjoy
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
It's Christmas Eve, and the Jolly Old Elf, Santa Claus has already begun his trip around the world, spreading joy to good little girls & boys! Our friends at NORAD, The North American Aerospace Defense Command, have focused their efforts on St. Nick today, and you can follow his journey here!
Rudolph Revisited [VIDEO]
Rudolph Revisited [VIDEO]
Rudolph Revisited [VIDEO]
The family favorite Christmas tale of 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' is celebrating it's 50th Anniversary this year, and I can honestly say, it doesn't feel like Christmas with watching it at least once a year. In the classic show, Burl Ives narrates the story of the trials and successes of Rudolph...jump to today, and 'Rudolph Revisited' is narrated by none other than 'Larry the Cable Guy!' And
Christmas on the Radio
Christmas on the Radio
Christmas on the Radio
Christmas Eve is a time to finally relax, enjoy family and friends...and then sit back look around at the Magic of Christmas. Memories of my childhood come pouring back as Christmas Eve was a time when our home was filled with family & friends, food, the feeling of Christmas...and of course Music. The tree staying lit all night long so Santa could see where he needed to go, and the radio also
Teddy Loves Christmas [VIDEO]
Teddy Loves Christmas [VIDEO]
Teddy Loves Christmas [VIDEO]
Teddy the talking porcupine, finds his favorite treat among the Christmas presents. Listen carefully and hear him say "Santa!" See how a few humble ears of corn brings "Joy to the World!"

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