It's all about treats and costumes Saturday afternoon in Downtown Bangor.

Tomorrow afternoon, Oct. 28, downtown Bangor will be turned into a spooky space! From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., more than 20 downtown businesses will be participating in a downtown wide trick-or-treat event.

This event is free and will continue rain or shine. Dress the kids up in a costume and visit everywhere from brewery's to retail businesses will have nothing but treats for the little ones.

For the older people who still love Halloween, don't miss 'Misery' still showing at the Penobscot Theatre! The perfect creepy play for this season!

Or, for the first time ever you can rent a room at the Charles Inn and ghost hunt the historic hotel with the East Coast Ghost Trackers. They will be spending the night on the 4th floor looking for the lost spirits that have been seen and felt numerous times by guests.

For more details and to see an up-to-date list on participating places in the downtown area visit their event page here.

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