Why You Have Thousands of Pine Cones in Your Maine YardsWhy You Have Thousands of Pine Cones in Your Maine YardsWe know that we’re called the 'Pine Tree State,' but it’s been a little crazy, right? If you’ve been noticing quite a bit more than usual, you’re not alone!Jordan VergeJordan Verge
What Maine Creature is Digging These Holes in My Lawn?What Maine Creature is Digging These Holes in My Lawn?With the snow gone, I noticed that something was hiding beneath it. Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
What is This Animal Walking Through My Yard During the Night?What is This Animal Walking Through My Yard During the Night?We've seen stray dogs and cats every so often, but I'm not entirely sure what the camera recorded at night.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons