This Maine City Named One of the Best to Start a Career in the U.S.This Maine City Named One of the Best to Start a Career in the U.S.When starting your career, sometimes you don’t have a choice as to where. Well, this Maine city is apparently one of the best in the country!Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Make Up Your Mind, Connecticut: New England or the Tri-State Area?Make Up Your Mind, Connecticut: New England or the Tri-State Area?With its geographical location, it has long enjoyed the benefits of being part of both New England and the Tri-State Area. However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the time has come for Connecticut to make a choice. Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Stephen King Disses Upstate New York On Twitter; Is He Right?Stephen King Disses Upstate New York On Twitter; Is He Right?Chicken Riggie privileges revoked.CameronCameron