Having left the long-running NBC sketch comedy program in May 2022 alongside notable cast members such as Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant, Davidson will be hosting the upcoming season premiere on October 14th.
Live from Bangor, it’s Saturday Night!
It’s always cool when Bangor, or for that matter, anyplace in Maine gets mentioned in a movie or television show. For the most part, Bangor is thought of in terms of Stephen King, but there have been some other examples too, including one of the most iconic pop culture institutions of all time.
The leg...
Portland Maine's Anna Kendrick has been on the big screen in movies such as 'Twilight', 'Pitch Perfect', last years 'Into the Woods', this years 'Pitch Perfect 2' and many others. She's had television success as the voice of Nora in 'The Family Guy' and has even hosted 'Saturday Night Live'! Now she's taking her talents to Jimmy Fallon's 'Lip Sync Battle' tonight at 10 on Spike TV!
It's no secret that Taylor Swift has now crossed over to the pop world, quite possibly forever. Swift certainly made her mark in the country world with her borderline pop songs, and she was well received. But as Saturday Night Live points out, not everyone really digs the diva...