High Tide

A Popular Brewer Restaurant Will Close Temporarily Today
A Popular Brewer Restaurant Will Close Temporarily Today
A Popular Brewer Restaurant Will Close Temporarily Today
Not to worry, it won't last too long! Taking a brief hiatus, a local favorite will close their doors, starting today. If you happen to drive by High Tide in Brewer thist week, you may wonder why the parking lot is empty, well you need not wonder anymore...
7 Fun New Year’s Eve Parties In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
7 Fun New Year’s Eve Parties In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
7 Fun New Year’s Eve Parties In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
If you are looking to head out on the town on Tuesday night, there are lots of things going on! Hard to believe it, but here we are at the end of yet another year. So, if you are ready to party like it's 1999, by ringing in 2025 with a bang, there are plenty of options for 21+ fun this New Year's Eve, right here in the Bangor area...
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
Looking for some adult fun in the Bangor area for Halloween? Grownups like to have fun on Halloween too, so this weekend and the next, should be hopping in Bangtown. Halloween falls on a Thursday this year, so parties at your favorite Bangor nightlife establishments will be taking place this weekend, and next...
Ready For Football? Here Are 9 Great Bangor ‘Sunday Funday’ Hangs
Ready For Football? Here Are 9 Great Bangor ‘Sunday Funday’ Hangs
Ready For Football? Here Are 9 Great Bangor ‘Sunday Funday’ Hangs
Hey Bangor, are you ready for some football? As summer winds down, one positive thing to come out of it, is the return of the NFL. If you are a New England Patriots fan, once again, things aren't looking that great for the upcoming season, but never give up hope...
‘The Curry Cup’ Tournament For Amanda Curry’s Family Is Back
‘The Curry Cup’ Tournament For Amanda Curry’s Family Is Back
‘The Curry Cup’ Tournament For Amanda Curry’s Family Is Back
Hit the links in Bangor, for a day of golf, or make a donation to support the family of the late, Amanda Curry On May 10th of 2023, the Bangor area lost a great woman, when Amanda Curry suddenly passed from a stroke at just 44 years of age...
11 Spots On Foot To Pre-Game Before A Waterfront Concert
11 Spots On Foot To Pre-Game Before A Waterfront Concert
11 Spots On Foot To Pre-Game Before A Waterfront Concert
Two big shows are coming up this weekend, so know before you go! If you want to grab a quick bite and have a few drinks before a Bangor Waterfront show, there are plenty of options. One of the great things about where the Maine Savings Amphitheatre is located, is the availability of bars & restaurants that are within walking distance of the concert facility...
13 Perfect Bangor Area Spots To Dine Outdoors
13 Perfect Bangor Area Spots To Dine Outdoors
13 Perfect Bangor Area Spots To Dine Outdoors
There is nothing better than eating outside on a warm summer day! Things are starting to crank up for a great summer here in the State of Maine, and as always, that includes indulging on some delicious food. Picture it, its a sunny, 80 degree day out, with not a cloud in the sky...
9 Bangor Spots To Get Your ‘March Madness’ On
9 Bangor Spots To Get Your ‘March Madness’ On
9 Bangor Spots To Get Your ‘March Madness’ On
The Big Dance begins this Thrusday! As a sports fan, this is the one of the most excting times of the year. The NBA and NHL are gearing up for the playoffs, baseabll is about to begin, and maybe the most thriling of all yearly events is about to start, the NCAA Men's Bsketball Tournament, gets cranked up this Thursday, at noon...
Remember These Two Classic Maine ‘Dine & Dash’ Stories?
Remember These Two Classic Maine ‘Dine & Dash’ Stories?
Remember These Two Classic Maine ‘Dine & Dash’ Stories?
Crime doesn't pay, and apparently neither do these people With St. Patrick's Day coming up on Sunday, this might be a good time to remember that you should always pay your tab. And since Sunday will be a big drinking day, you need to double down on that...
St. Patrick’s ‘Sunday Funday’ Events In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
St. Patrick’s ‘Sunday Funday’ Events In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
St. Patrick’s ‘Sunday Funday’ Events In Bangor For The 21+ Crowd
Raise a glass to St. Patrick’s Day, with a cold brew, great Irish food, and live music, on the ultimate Sunday Funday! Check out a full slate of events going on right here in the greater Bangor area. There are plenty of things to do in Bangor on St. Patr...

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