It's a pretty common occurrence around Maine to see brown tailed moth webs in trees. Most people find these webs to be harmless and nothing more than an eyesore. But be careful, because for some people, close interactions with what comes out of those webs can cause some serious health concerns...
This is probably no surprise to you if you live in the state of Maine but here it is. If you are planning to spend your summer at Acadia National Park you need to plan as if you are heading into the Maine woods and that means ' tick repellent'
Fact is many parks on the east coast have come up positive for the little devils that can contaminate their host with Lyme Disease...
Acupuncture is a collection of procedures involving penetration of the skin with needles to stimulate certain points on the body, and it's become pretty popular in the big cities, well now, it's available right here at home from Phillips Chiropractic Acupuncture...and I will getting it done live...on-air this morning on Q-106.5!
Amazing don't you think?
Here we have lawmakers falling over themselves to pass legislation to try to regulate your behaviors, all in the name of making you more healthy. You can't eat this, you can't drink that.
During a visit to the doctor, we almost always grab a waiting-room magazine to take our mind off what's to come. But health officials say those very periodicals could pose a health risk and actually make people sick, particularly if they're left out for a lengthy period of time and handled by multitudes of people.