Orrington To Build New Public Safety Building
Orrington residents turned out to vote yesterday, approving a revised plan for a new public safety building.
It's been a tumultuous few months in Orrington, since residents voted down a 3.5 million dollar building proposal in December. Some felt that they should have been given options, while others felt that the townspeople should have some input on the design of the building. A committee was formed and public meetings held during the development of a new plan for the building that would be built on town-owned land. The combination police/fire building will be situated on Tupper Road, which branches off Center Drive.
On Monday, residents turned out to vote on the proposed building and, when the tallying was done, the measure was approved. The facility will include overnight accommodations, a kitchen, meeting rooms, a training room, and a 'museum' bay which will house the department's antique firetruck. Construction on the new building is expected to start in August or September.