Numerous serious accidents this week prompted us to go on the air and ask our listeners what they thought was the most dangerous road in the area.

Last week, a 46 year-old man died on outer Broadway in Bangor.  There were also two other very serious accidents on Broadway this week, one involving a scooter, and then another at that same intersection by Grandview Avenue.  Another head-on crash this week on route 1A in Lucerne claimed the life of a 65 year-old man from Milbridge. Then there was the 18 year-old kid who was caught by the Maine State Police driving 146 mph on Interstate 95 by Pittsfield.

Our listeners spoke to us today and over this past weekend.  Below are the results of our survey, and some of what our listeners had to say!

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WWMJ Studio Edit PC

Broadway in Bangor - "So many people in such a hurry.  They don’t pay attention to the other drivers that are out there. It’s nowhere near big enough to handle the amount of traffic that comes through there."

Broadway in Bangor – "It’s 25 mph, it should not be a deadly road.  If law enforcement went out there and made them go 25 mph, the accidents would stop.  A chain reaction would be only one or two cars, not five."

Route 1A - Holden To Ellsworth - "I live on Route 1A, and let me tell ya, the most dangerous road in the area out there. Traffic, and a lot of it, especially during the summertime.  If we don’t leave the house before 10, we’re in a line of standstill traffic heading to the Bangor.  The line is backed up from the light at G&A Market in Holden, out past Dedham School and to the Lucerne Inn.  And, people aren’t paying attention most of the time."

Route 1A - Holden To Ellsworth - "I have lived at Green Lake for over 20 years, and it’s really sad lately with so many tragedies. You pretty much have to watch everyone else, more than yourself."

Route 1A - Holden To Ellsworth- "It’s the scenery, people traveling too fast and looking around. They’re looking at the mountains, the lakes.  Down through the Lucerne area, it’s just a deadly road."

Route 1A - Holden To Ellsworth - "By far, Rte. 1A!  From Circle K in Holden, to Ellsworth, there’s more “paint swapping” going on, you know like in NASCAR, "rubbing and grinding."  I travel to Ellsworth a lot, and people will go by you in the breakdown lane.  Ellsworth police did a road detail a couple of weeks, they wrote 18 tickets one morning, and the top speed was 86 MPH."

Route 9 - "Route 9, the airline!  They’ve straightened it out, but people travel too fast, and the Canadian’s run you off the road!"

Any place that you’ve got those dopers!  They come from that methadone clinic, and they drive on those roads after they get their dose, and the poor people out there driving trying to get home after work are being killed.  It’s a crying shame.  There was a fatality last year on Route 9 because of that, and the lady that drove into Fox Pond with the babies in the car...keep these people off the road, keep us safe!”

You know what the most dangerous road is?  Any road with some ignorant person, texting and driving.  I see it all the time while in the crosswalks in Bangor!

Route 1A - Holden To Ellsworth - "No doubt 1A from Holden to Ellsworth. If people would just not treat it like Speedway 95 and keep it near the speed limit, it would be better."

Route 182 - "I’d say the Black Woods Road going between Franklin and Cherryfield!  I know there’s a lack of cell service, it's got a lot of turns, and then you have a chance of having a ghostly visit from Catherine."

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