Maine’s Department of Corrections Needs Good Men and Women
Before you say there are no jobs in Maine, you may want to check in with the Maine Department of Corrections.
MDOC officials say they have at least twenty full-time positions now available as corrections officers in the Maine State Prison system.
“These are full-time jobs with excellent benefits including health, dental, vision, state paid retirement, paid holidays, sick and vacation time. A single person employed as a Correctional Officer pays less than $20 bi-weekly for health insurance,” states Laurie A. Hayden, Personnel Officer at the Department of Administrative and Financial Services Corrections Service Center in Augusta.
Correctional Officers are responsible for the care and custody of inmates in the Maine Prison System. Today the MDOC has a strong focus on prisoner programs and rehabilitation. “Once an inmate is released,” said Hayden, “we don’t want to see them back. We want to help them be successful members of society.”
An ability to talk to people – communication and interpersonal skills - is a must for Correctional Officers. “CO’s also need to have a strong work ethic and values,” continues Hayden. “We can teach all the hard skills necessary to be a successful CO, but a person’s core values are something they need to bring to the table themselves,” she said.
For more infromation about the position or requirements you can contact Laurie Hayden, Personnel Officer, DAFS – Corrections Service Center, 25 Tyson Drive, State House Station 111, Augusta, ME 04333-0111, 207-287-4498 or