Maine One of Least Religious States in America
In fact the least religious area in the country is New England.
Does it surprise you that Maine was ranked #2 on the chart for 'Least Religious States' according to data collected by in 2016?
Out of the 940 people surveyed 50% were not religious, 27% were moderately religious and 23% was found to be very religious. In 2015 Maine was the 3rd least religious state, this year we move to second.
The least religious state this year was Vermont with only 21% of those interviewed claiming to be very religious. Massachusetts and Rhode Island followed Maine at #3 and #4.
Mississippi came out on top of the most religious states with 59% staying they were very religious. Alabama and Utah were second and third most religious which means the top 3 didn't change position at all. However, in 2015 Gallup found 63% in Mississippi said they were very religious, but that number and many others have dropped.
To see the most and least religious states list visit Gallup.