Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Ellsworth Moves to New Location
The well known Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry of Ellsworth completed their move earlier this week and opened at their new location on Downeast Highway.
To say the new location is an improvement is an understatement. From approximately 500 feet on the Bucksport Road, to the new location at 137 Downeast Highway which has 3,200 square feet of shopping space, is very cool.
Also shopping carts donated by Hanaford’s and checkouts where volunteers bag the groceries for the pantry customers.
Although the first customers were welcomed on Wednesday, there will be an ‘official’ grand opening ceremony to be held Thursday the 20th of October, from 4 to 7 p.m. The grand opening is being sponsored by their next door neighbor, Darling’s Chevrolet.
If you would like to be a part of the celebration coming up, reach out to the pantry to RSVP. You can email president@loavesandfishesellsworth.org
The anticipation is that with the larger facility, and the fact Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry serves all of Washington County, their need for more food to distribute is only going to grow.
With that in mind, fundraising ideas are already being discussed and will be planned and executed in the near future.
If helping the community in such a needed way is of interest to you, Loaves & Fishes expects they’ll need more volunteers very soon. Maybe that’s something you could consider and if so, reach out to the food pantry.
The community gives a big thank you and congratulations to Loaves & Fishes.