Keith Urban's fans have a tight grip on the lead, as the hottie-from-down-under stays ahead of Toby Keith in the poll! Keith has pulled ahead with an impressive lead. But it's only Thursday and you can vote throughout the weekend. Remember, vote as often as you like for your favorite!

Keith Urban started out strong, with 80% of the votes at the beginning of the week. Yesterday the gap was closed a bit, trimming that lead to 66%. But as of this morning, Keith is sprinting ahead once again with 71% of the votes! He's even getting votes from his native country of Australia!

What do you think, can Toby overtake Keith and reclaim his title as Hot Country Hunk of the week? It's up to you!

Remember, you can vote for your favorite as often as you like, all week long. Next Monday, the winner will go on to face off against a new opponent on Hot Hunk Monday!

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