#Hashtag Hometown of the Week: Sherman
Every week we will feature a new hometown and share photos and facts using hashtags on social media. This week our #hashtag hometown is Sherman!
This cunnin' little town is what Maine is all about. A place that celebrates it's history every year with 'Old Home Days' and the only 'twice-around parade' in the state! Small town values and generally a very friendly places, spend some time here and you soon will be come a familiar face.
The town was named after a prominent abolitionist during the Civil War. Over 100 Sherman residents were sent to fight in the war and those who never made it home have memorials here today.
If you want recreation, peace and quiet, respect, and all the other great perks that come with Sherman, then why live anywhere else!?
Here are some great photos we found of the town on Instagram:
Tell us what you love about Sherman!