It seems a bit soon to be talking about winter, but...

It's Maine. All we do is talk about winter. When it's actually winter, we complain about it non-stop. And in summer, all we do is say thing like "well, at least it's not winter". As a Mainer, you have winter in your bones. I think we all have a love/hate relationship with it. Or maybe we just love to hate it?

I know there's a decent amount of winter tourism in Maine with our ski mountains, so I can't knock it completely. But unless you're an avid fan of winter sports, my guess is that you probably tolerate it at best. So even though it's the beginning of August, you know you wanna know what the Farmer's Almanac has to say about it...

Don't hold your breath. The news isn't really good.

According to the extended forecast, the almanac predicts it's going to be a "shake, shiver, and shovel" kind of winter. They are predicting average snowfall for the winter, and that the real story is going to be the brutal cold. And that it will arrive early this year. We won't be sitting around for the frigid temps to show up. They're coming right for us.

At the end of the day, this is where we live. And it's weather. So of course, it'll all come out in the wash somehow. It's not like there's any way to avoid it. Unless you're lucky/rich enough to be a snow bird to find your way out of here through the cold months. But it looks like we might wanna buckle up for the ride...


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