Egg prices are still in the stratosphere and Easter will be here on Sunday. What to do?
Instead of painting eggs this year the Maine thing to do might be to paint potatoes for Easter.
This could be a thing for the entire nation that comes out of Maine. We know there's nothing like those ‘county potatoes.’ And for the rest of the nation, you'd be healthier if you ate more of them.
Not sure there is a nutritional benefit if the potatoes are painted.
Potatoes are far cheaper than eggs. Would you be willing to give it a shot? It is always fun to switch things up, isn't it?
And there must be an ‘edible paint’ for sale somewhere, or we could use water-based food coloring so the potatoes could be dyed and still eaten
Potatoes USA is indeed trying to take advantage of the price gouging on eggs by hyping potatoes as a serious replacement. Should we give it a chance? Potatoes USA is a Denver, Colorado-based organization that is the nation’s foremost marketing and research organization for America’s favorite vegetable
What else do we have in Maine that we could use in place of eggs to paint for Easter? If you really are looking to save money how about sending the kids out to the field to find good rocks to paint? They'd be easier to paint than potatoes and they wouldn't break as eggs do. Painted rocks look good on the shelf year-round.
Or maybe we could paint rocks, to look like potatoes?
Is this serious? Must be, this weekend is Easter. April Fool’s Day was last weekend.