Do You Remember The Marden’s Lady?
All together now! "I should have bought it when I saw it at Marden's."
If you think about it, there really aren't many retail stores quite like Marden's. To say that it is unique to Maine would certainly be an understatement, so it makes sense that they would have an insanely catchy jingle and back in the day, a very Mainer type of spokesperson. To this day, every time I stroll into Marden's in Brewer, I always think of both.
Comedian Karmo Sanders turned her character, Birdie Googins into someone we all remember fondly as "The Marden's Lady". For years she appeared in numerous television commercials. Her folksy Maine brand of humor made all of those ads so memorable. Unfortunately, the department store decided to part ways with her and head in a totally different marketing direction back in 2013.
Karmo Sanders is a native of Norway, Maine, and is far from a one hit wonder. In addition to being a comedian, she also teaches acting for non-majors and playwriting at USM. Karmo continues writing and touring her one woman stand up comedy show. She also acted in "Yankee Jungle", on the Discovery Channel, and Animal Planet. And her musical "Radical Radio", opened Off-Off Broadway at the 91st Street Theatre in New York City.
Thanks to the wondrous magic of YouTube, her old school commercials live on. So check them out, and remember the iconic jingle, "I should have bought it when I saw it at Marden's"