Could Maine Become A ‘Safe Space’ For White Nationalism?
I've lived in Maine my whole life. I've traveled a lot too. In my younger days, I spent most of my time on the road on tour, and feel like I've seen a lot of what America has to offer. I've seen a little of the good, the bad, and the ugly. But always, when I came back to Maine, it's like there was a re-set in my mind, and things became normal again.
Living in southern Maine for most of my adult life also reinforced that fact. It used to be that even the most strongly conservative types though, always had a good swath of tolerance that ran right through them. A real sense of humanity. It was all about helping your neighbor. Even if you didn't always see eye to eye.
But I saw something scary cruising through Reddit recently. It was an article from Vice.com, containing leaked conversations from an ex-marine, trying to help gather folks into Maine because he saw it as a "safe place" for white nationalism. What the what?! This was the first I'd heard of it.

Sure, we've seen examples of it. 100 years ago there Klan parades. Or the situation in the town of Jackman got in with a previous town manager, according to the BDN. But this ex-marine from Texas, Chris Pohlhaus, suggests that with Maine's predominantly white population, and friendly gun laws, this may be the perfect spot.
Again... what?! The fact that there were people in the thread, from Maine, encouraging all this is crazy. They were suggesting that north or east or Bangor would be best. Which I suppose just strengthens the concept of living in two Maines. A lot of folks feel like the values in the upper half of the state differ greatly from the south.
Reading all this makes me sad. Sure, people can believe in whatever they want. That's the basis of our country. But it makes me sad that folks hate each other based on skin color, or politics, or sexuality. I wish all this wasn't real, but here we are. You be you, but I'll just be over here, loving anyone who'll let me.
You can read the whole article here for yourself. And unless this concept is of interest to you, be prepared to think a little more realistically of where we live. Take off the rose colored glasses and get used to the fact that not everyone here, has love for everyone else here. Sometimes, it can be really sad to have your blinders lifted.
Today was my day.
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