
Catholic Women Want Priesthood Positions–Is it Time?
Catholic Women Want Priesthood Positions–Is it Time?
Catholic Women Want Priesthood Positions–Is it Time?
I have said for as long as I can remember that women deserve leadership roles in Christian faith such as Catholicism. Not only was I raised Catholic--before converting to a Protestant faith--but I grew up with four sisters, all of which are incredibly intelligent and are capable of doing most anything a man could do in the work-a-day world...
Parents Get All Bent Out of Shape Over School’s Yoga Program, Cite Religious Objection
Parents Get All Bent Out of Shape Over School’s Yoga Program, Cite Religious Objection
Parents Get All Bent Out of Shape Over School’s Yoga Program, Cite Religious Objection
Over the last couple decades, yoga has gone from being thought of as a mystical ancient Indian discipline to a mainstream exercise practiced the world over. In fact, all students in the Encinitas Union School District, which is in the San Diego area, now do yoga twice a week as part of their physical education curriculum. But this isn't sitting well with some parents, who are worried that the Hind