Bangor Middle School Wins Virtual Visit From Aspiring Astronaut All Thanks To Peanuts
Folks at the J.F. Doughty School in Bangor are celebrating this week, and they get to reap the delicious benefits of a job well done.
They recently learned that they were the Grand Prize Winners of the "Peanut Butter & Beyond Contest."
According to a recent press release sent out by the Bangor School Department, the nationwide contest is put on by the National Peanut Board.
"The winning entry focused on using peanut shells as a biodegradable alternative to plastic packaging and was submitted by JFDS science educator Tracy Vassiliev and school nutrition services director Noelle Scott."
The prize consists of two parts, one educational, and one edible.
"As the winner of the nationwide contest, eighth graders at JFDS will have a live virtual visit from Taylor Richardson (aka @astronautstarbright), a college freshman, aspiring astronaut and advocate for girls and people of color in STEM."
The second part of the award should sit well in the bellies of many students and staff.
"NPB’s Peanut Butter & Beyond campaign encouraged collaboration between what students eat and what they learn at school, connecting peanuts and peanut butter to STEM topics. The JFDS classes also won up to $5,000 for STEM projects, a peanut butter donation to a local food bank, and Jif peanut butter snacks. "
And if you're wondering how this all works in a world with peanut allergies, the school does take that into account, working hard to ensure that folks with high-risk conditions are taken care of, says Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RD, LD, NPB consultant for the school.
“JFDS also serves peanut items in their school and uses best practices to manage food allergens, This approach helps keep students with peanut and other food allergies safe while providing nutritious, delicious and affordable foods like peanuts and peanut butter on the menu.”
The virtual visit with Richardson is scheduled to take place Tuesday.
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