B98.5 - Central Maine's Country

NewsCenter 6’s Keith Carson Gets Slammed For Wardrobe
This just appalls me, on so many levels. Apparently, Maine is inundated with Perfect Pattys'. These Perfect Pattys', themselves, are inundated with an endless amount of time on their hands...so much time...that they have the ability to write local weatherman, Keith Carson, about his clothing attire.
BREAKING: Gov. LePage Spent Night In Hospital
Saturday, Gov. Paul LePage was complaining of some discomfort which resulted in a trip the hospital.
According to the CentralMaine.com:
Gov. Paul LePage was taken by ambulance to a Bangor hospital after experiencing discomfort Saturday while visiting family in New Brunswick...
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MAINE LAW – You Can NOT Break A Window For A Dog Left In Car
It's against Maine law to break a car window for a dog.

Maine Deer Floating Down The Allagash On A Piece Of Ice
Deer floating on a piece of ice

PSA: Bangor Panhandling SCAM!!
According to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter's Facebook, they are warning the public about a panhandling scam. They want you to know this is NOT how they conduct business and not to give money to panhandlers. There's other ways you can help.

WARNING: If You See This Tour Bus For Mikel Knight BEWARE
We spotted the Mikel Knight Tour Bus in our parking lot this morning and recalled seeing a warning by the Oakland Police Department on their Facebook page. Upon further investigation and a by simply googling 'Mikel Knight' several negative reviews pop up about this group and their promotion tactics.