Jolana is a 20+ year TV and radio broadcasting veteran who absolutely love skiing, sailing, & scuba diving. The arts and photography also play a role in her life when she's not on the air or writing articles for Townsquare Media.
Jolana Miller
3 Types of Reservations You Need for Acadia National Park in Maine
The sooner the better.
This is the Last Year to Buy These Girl Scout Cookies in New England
Find room in that freezer for stocking up.
Googling These 4 Things Could Immediately Alert New England Law Enforcement
Who else is watching?
Top 20 Movies That Make Maine and Massachusetts Men Cry
Pass the tissues.
Where in New England it’s Illegal to Hang Items From Your Rearview Mirror
In 8 states it's always illegal, in others it depends.
3 Reasons NH, ME, MA Police Touch Your Car After They Pull You Over
Is it just a routine traffic stop for police?
That Pinecone-Looking Clump in New England Xmas Trees Isn’t a Pinecone
You could be in for one of the grossest experiences of your life.
Is America’s Most Beautiful McDonald’s in Maine or New York?
Get ready to "ooh" and "aah"
Are Target Stores Around New England Going Membership-Only In 2025?
You walk in for two items, walk out with ten.
That Big Ball of Leaves You See Up in Trees Around New England Isn’t a Bird’s Nest
Even wild animals can own a second home.