Air Quality Alert Is A Good Excuse To Skip Mowing The Lawn
The Maine DEP has issued an air quality alert for Tuesday, which means it's the perfect day to stay in a cool room and be lazy.
According to an alert from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, ground-level ozone will reach dangerous levels in today's heat and humidity. The areas with the most dangerous conditions will be along the southern coast and the highest elevations of Acadia National Park. But it's a good day for everyone to take it easy and stay cool.
When ozone levels are elevated, children, healthy adults who exert themselves, and anyone with a respiratory condition like asthma, bronchitis, or COPD can experience issues. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, coughing, throat irritation, and/or an uncomfortable sensation in the chest.
Officials say the best bet is to limit any exertion while outside today, especially in the afternoon. Stay in a cool room, as much as possible, and drink plenty of water. Now we know that not everyone can follow this advice, if they work outside. But it's a great excuse to skip those outdoor chores around the house. Mow the lawn? Nah, can't do it today. The DEP says it's dangerous to exert myself. Instead, let's binge watch 'Stranger Things' on Netflix and eat ice cream.
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