You may think you are as Bangor as it gets, but are you?

If you have lived in Bangor your whole life or at least call this city home, you need to cross off everything on this list. Let us know how much of a Bangorian you are! Have you done everything on this list? Then you are a true Bangorian!

  • 1

    Climb The Stairs Of The Standpipe

    You probably see it every day in the distance, but have you ever seen the view from the top? This is something you must do in Bangor!

    Townsquare Media Bangor
    Townsquare Media Bangor
  • 2

    Attend At Least One Folk Festival

    If you live in Bangor, you have no excuse to skip this annual event. It's free! Of course donations are accepted as well, but in theory you can just show up here walk through and then leave if you want (although I bet something would catch your eye.) But that's all it takes to check this off your Bangor Bucket List.

  • 3

    Know Stephen King's Address

    Living in Bangor, chances are someone at some point will ask you if you know where Stephen King lives. It's also one of the most Instagrammed spots in Bangor, so make sure to take advantage of this photo op!

    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media Bangor
    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media Bangor
  • 4

    See At Least One Performance At The Penobscot Theatre

    Chances are at some point this theater will have a performance for you. From comedy to Shakespeare they do it all here, and the beauty and history of the building alone are reason enough to check this one off your list!

    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media
    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media
  • 5

    Attend At Least One Bangor vs. Brewer sporting event

    Even if you have no ties to either school, you will still enjoy a Bangor vs. Brewer event. If the game doesn't get you excited, the crowds will!

  • 6

    Visit 3+ Shops Downtown

    A lot of the shops Downtown offer more than just what is in their store windows. For instance, the Rock and Art Shop on Central St. has more than rocks and art. They also have amazing plants and a dinosaur skull! Plus shopping downtown supports local business!

  • 7

    Watch One Or More Kenduskeag Canoe Race

    Even though it starts early on a weekend, and it is sometimes brutally cold in the early spring, you have to sit on the shores of Bangor's favorite stream. You get bonus points on this list if you actually participate in the race. The fun part about this race is most people don't care if they win or lose, they just want to complete the race with everything they started with!

  • 8

    Show Someone From Away The Paul Bunyan Statue

    When family comes to visit, they might want a tour of the city. Where is the first thing you think to show them? My first stop would be our beloved large lumberjack. You have to show him to at least one person to be a Bangorian.

    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media
    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media
  • 9

    Walk Around Mt. Hope Cemetery

    This is the second oldest garden cemetery in America. Garden cemeteries were created to make a place for the living and dead to enjoy some peace and serenity. If you can look past the possible creepiness you will see the beauty in this place, as well as the history.

    Amanda MacDonald
    Amanda MacDonald
  • 10

    Visit At Least One Bangor Brewery

    Geaghan's and the Sea Dog have really stepped up Bangor's beer game in recent years, making the city a beer lover's destination. They are just two of many breweries popping up in the area. It doesn't matter which or where, just make sure you check out what Bangor's brewing.

    Justin Sullivan, Getty Images
    Justin Sullivan, Getty Images
  • 11

    Attend Festival of Light Parade

    Yeah, it's cold. Yeah, there is no parking. But here, the positives outweigh the negatives. Smiles galore, music, laughter and lots of pretty lights! Brave the cold at least once.You have to.

    Kevin Bennett
    Kevin Bennett
  • 12

    Fly Out Of Bangor International Airport

    If you hate flying, your experience will probably be better at Bangor's little airport. With only a few flights a day confusion here is minimal and the boarding process has to be one of the fastest and easiest in America. BGR also has some awesome de-icers. While bigger airports along the East Coast may suffer delays due to snow removal and de-icing, Maine is used to the snow and can take care of it like real professionals.

    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
  • 13

    Do A Bar Crawl From Central St. to Front St.

    With a bundle of bars within reasonable walking distance of each other, it is not uncommon to begin your night at 11 Central and end at the Sea Dog while stopping at places like Ipanema, Paddy Murphy's, Nocturnem, or Carolina's in-between. It doesn't have to be a crawl necessarily. You can do the bar route sober and just enjoy a nice bar walk.

  • 14

    Attend At Least One Basketball Tournament Game at Cross Center

    With everyone from The County in town, it's hard to ignore the big finale for High School basketball at the Cross Insurance Center. Of course, Tourney Time is a long running tradition, so if you saw a Tourney game at the old Bangor Auditorium you can check this off your Bangor Bucket List as well.

    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media Bangor
    Jeff Tuttle, Townsquare Media Bangor
  • 15

    Hear Your Number Called At Bagel Central

    A food favorite in Downtown, getting your number called here is a lot more exciting than getting your number called at the DMV!

  • 16

    Attend A Waterfront Concert

    Some people are still not happy about the volume of these concerts, but we say you can't complain unless you've tried it. Attend at least one show if you can, and then if you still think it's too loud, at least you can check it off your Bangor Bucket List!

    Monty J. Rand
    Monty J. Rand
  • 17

    Sled Down Essex St. Hill

    As the sign says, "Sled at your own risk." This has to be the best sledding hill in Bangor, but it is not recommended for all. Once you experience the excitement of going down, you have the longest walk back to the top. Worth it? Yes, but you have been warned!

    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
  • 18

    Sing Karaoke At A Local Bar

    Pretty much every local bar offers the occasional Karaoke night. It's just getting up the guts to actually get up there! We are Bangorians, not professional singers, so no judgment!

    Getty Images
    Getty Images
  • 19

    High-5 A Bangor Police Officer

    If you follow the Bangor PD on Facebook, you probably know at this point that Bangor's police are awesome! Not only are they great at doing their jobs, but they are also a nice bunch who serve the city with smiles. Unless you are under arrest, I bet any Bangor officer would slap you five!

    Bangor Maine Police Department via Facebook
    Bangor Maine Police Department via Facebook
  • 20

    Watch The "Ball Drop" On New Year's Eve

    This is truly the most Bangor way to ring in the New Year! To call yourself a Bangorian without ever freezing your butt off at a ball drop event is almost a sin!

    Kevin Bennett Photo
    Kevin Bennett Photo
  • 21

    Count More Than Five People In The Halls Of The Airport Mall

    This sadly may be one of the toughest things to check off the list. Unfortunately business here isn't as bustling as it used to be. In order to accomplish this one, you will have to figure out the busy times of year here. Counting people in line at the DMV doesn't count either!

    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
    Amanda McDonald, Townsquare Media
  • 22

    Participate In One Charity Run/Walk

    From the Color Run to the Zombie Walk, the waterfront annually hosts runs and walks for good causes. Like the Susan Komen Race For The Cure, these events often spill onto Main St as well. If not for any other reason, you should do this at least once as they are fun and for a good cause!

    Danielle Miller
    Danielle Miller
  • 23

    Photobomb One Of Jeff Kirlin's Photos

    A lot of people say, "Photo or it didn't happen." Luckily Bangor has its own paparazzo who might intentionally or unintentionally catch a photo of you in your natural habitat. Though I have never had a photo taken of me by Mr. Kirlin, I have unintentionally ended up in the background of a few, and your probably have, too!

  • 24

    Be Part Of Live Audience For 'The Nite Show'

    You may have seen The Nite Show with Danny Cashman on TV, but did you know you could see it live!? If you have ever wanted to be in the audience for a show like SNL or a talk show, you have a chance right here! The Nite Show films its episodes at the Gracie Theatre on the campus of Husson University.

    Courtesy The Nite Show
    Courtesy The Nite Show
  • 25

    Play $5+ On Slots At Hollywood Casino

    So I'm not a big gambler because, frankly, I have nothing to gamble. But I have to admit, it is fun! You should at least go listen to the band some night. The atmosphere is fun even without playing the games. Not to mention the great food options! Some were hesitant on the idea of a casino in Bangor at first, but everybody seems to like it just fine now.

    Bloomberg via Getty Images
    Bloomberg via Getty Images

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